The Wayback Machine -

About Us

The goal of this website is to organize a national advocacy of the Liberty Amendment by again establishing committees at state, county, city and local community levels. We hope by using the rapid communication and wide distribution of the internet, to be effective in mobilizing the organization effort and the necessary education at the grass roots as well.

We hope to contribute as well to the motivation of all good Americans to persuade their State Legislators to introduce and promote the passing of the endorsement resolution to Congress. The citizens of nine State legislatures were convinced in 1957-1963 that the amendment was feasible in its extensive reduction of the federal government in the short period of three years. Not only would this reduction be without pain to the citizens of our country, but it would have then, and it would now, result in an economic boom, not experienced since the first 100 years after our Constitution was ratified.

So, it is imperative that we all pull together to get the Liberty Amendment implemented, or we shall "all sink together" for sure.

Mr. Freeland Crumly

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03/11/05 Webmaster